
Many thanks to my wife and my family for supporting me in this endeavor. Also to Gary's family, who provided similar support to him.

More thanks to all the play testers, including, but not limited to Benjamin Juang, Alex Santoro, Amy K. Bredemeyer, Holly Thai, Tony Koynov, Bill Shapiro, Regis Bescond, Henri Hein, Jake Freifeld, Karen Grunfeld, Qiwen Zhao, James Kelm, and – the first three who played my game – Arielle, Natalie and Yonatan.

Thanks for hosting play testing events goes to the Red Rock Gamers playing Tuesday nights at Red Rock Cafe in Mountain View and South Bay Friends playing Thursday nights at Carrows in Santa Clara.

A special mention to Alex Santoro, who started to name the cubes, something which added a lot of fun. Also, to Arturo Crespo and Holly Thai for proofreading the first print run and Holly Thai for overall outstanding contributions to this game. Cheryl, as well as Ruth and Ann from Gemini Wordsmiths for proofreading the rules book. They made it a lot better, and all remaining typos, inconsistencies, errors, or incomprehensible sentences are my fault.

More thanks to Matt Drake for the first formal review, Lance Myxter for the first video review. These made a big difference in Kickstarter funding. Lots of thanks to everybody who helped get the Retail Edition out, including the fine folks at, including Chad Krizan and W. Eric Martin and Sandor Weisz at the puzzler.

Ideas for Event Cards came from many listed here, plus countless others. Thierry Wasserman, Ben Friedberg, tomgurg, Formula Design, LawGr8er, Juan Carballal, and Ravindra Prasad suggested events at the contest. Many events were suggested many times by different people, and credit is not always easy to assign. Thus a special thanks and apologies to those I forgot to list (I fear there are many)

Rules have been translated by Ben Verhaevert, Ellen D'Hondt (Dutch) and David Schachtler (German).

This game would not have happened without almost 400 Kickstarter supporters and producers. They are listed below in alphabetical order.

Kickstarter Producers

A. Crespo (marketing slogan), Alan Levi (office), Andy Staudacher, Chris Wang (mobster game), Christine Schwartz (vacation), David Sedano (rest & vest), Hank Heyming (rockstar), Hans Scharler (VC pitch), Ilya Golubovich (russian investor), Lisa S Kim (digital strategy), Peisun Wu (restaurant dinner), Tomer Kagan, Quixey (tech crunch). These backers could suggest an event card, which is indicated in the parenthesis.

Kickstarter Supporters

@aaronwhite, @jvreeland, @ReadG, A. Ehret, Aaron K Y Lee, Aberrix, Adam Narducci, Adam Stuart, Adam Wisniewski, Aidymar Bigio, Alan Schwing, Alex & Lisa Strang, Alex Wenckus, Alexander Zacherl, Alexandre Renaud, Alexandre Santoro, Linda Rush Raymont,, Jim Rising, Anand Capur, Andrew Holder, Andrew Kirmse, Andrew Manson, Andrew Podojil, Andrew Schensted, Andrew Stingel, anonymous, anonymous, Ansel Witthaus, Anthony "LosGatosBrewer" Correia, Anthony L. Zizzo, Anthony T Sexton, Area 42 Games, Arman Eker, Arnie Horta, Barbasol, Bart Brunscheen, Beau Brunscheen, BC Doull, Ben Gertzfield, Benedikt Betz, Benjamin Ihms, Bernie "Asian Thunder" Zang, Bill Shapiro, Billy Biggs, Bluntskull, Bo Patterson, Bob Czaplicki, Bob Flaherty, Brandon Ferrer, Brandon Weiss, Brett Orr, Don Clevenger, Avery and Finley's College Fund, Brian, Brian A. Bailey, Brian C. White, Brian Chung, Brian Mowrey, Brian Ostrovsky, Brian Randy Funk, Brock Synnes and Nathan Campbell, Bruce Heroux, Bryan Graham, Bryon Rogers, C Matt Pappathan, Cara + Doug Sellers, Carl Enns, Warren Maruschak, CD Lent, Cedric Howe, Chad @ckeck Keck, Chad Krizan, Charles Pearson, Chris @idygress Borland, Chris Cheung a.k.a Lum, Chris Earley, Chris Milliron, Chris Nord, Christian Amor Kvalheim, Christian Kurmann, Christian Morasse, Christoph Studer, Christopher Messemore, Christopher Zacharias, Clarence 'Myth' Chan, Colin Dru Flanders, Creapole - Sébastien Flury, Cynthia Phelps the Awesome, D o u g C r e e k, Dale Gifford, Dale Reed, Dan "Captain Apathy" Lawall, Dan Marques, Daniel Karpantschof, Consigliere, Daniel Salinas, Daniel Velázquez, Dave & Lil, Dave Oleksy, Dave Shaver, David Buschermohle, David Conway, David Hoffman, David Inacio, David Vydra, Dennis Landi, Dev Purkayastha, Disheng Shen, divad27182, Dom Narducci IV (@dnathe4th), Donald Wheeler, Doug Edwards, Dustin DuPree, Dwayne Nesmith, Dylan Steer, Ed Holzman, Ed Liming, Ellie Hannah and Eva Smith, Gamers of Tomorrow., Elliott H. Vogel, Erhhung Yuan, Eric Alvarado, Eric Brian Johnson, Erik Peterson, ethan sam, jack208, aanemesis, teddy rocky, junyetwong, lester L., Eugene, Evan Pulgino, Eyal Bejamin - Israel, Florian P. Nierhaus, Gareth P. McSorley, GazeHawk, Geoffrey Andrew Lee, Geoffrey Green, Gordon Wohlers, Greg D'Alesandre, Greg Gentschev, Greg Lindahl, Greg Pettit, Greg Price, Harvey Floyd II, Hendrik Herbst, Henning Schmiedehausen, Henri Hein, HeRock Itoh, Hunter Walk, I Love Wai., Ian Sawlor, Ian Taylor Clark, Isaias Vallejo, J Steeves, J.A.Baluci, Jack Shirai, Jackie Howatt, Jacob Coon, Jake Mates, James Vera, James W. Wood, Jameus Hutchens, Jamie Lin, Jason "THRO2NV" Steffen, Jason Finley, Jason K. King, Jason Pitre, Jason Untulis, Jeff Jarvis, Jeff King (Darkwind), Jeff Nurkiewicz, Jen Chen, Jens Kappe, Jeremy Fridy, Jeremy McCrate, Jesper Nielsen, Kjartan Olafsson, Robin Andersen, Jess Rene Gertsen, Jess Boronico, Jessica Jobski, Jieping Lu, Jim "JimPAX" Leesch, Joao Menezes, Joe Gross, Joe Wetzel, Joe Willette, Joel Seligstein, Johan Ideström, Johannes Faustus, John Mehrholz, John Morrow, Jon "Wee Heavy" Stern, Jon Harrison, Jonathan H. Liu, Jonathan Sue, Jonathan White, Jorge "Papi" Acin, Jorge Rodríguez, Joseph M. Louis, Josh Epstein, Josh Rensch, Joshua Beale, Joshua Bluestein, Justin Robben, Justin Shepard, Karel Baloun, Karen May, Karl Pfleger, KAS, Kathryn Trabert, Kathy Fong, Keel, Keith Koleno, ken burt, Kenichi Komabayashi ( Jigyoukeikaku, Inc.), Kevin "K-Dizzle" Bertram, Kevin Brusky, Kevin Duffy, Kevin Garnett, Kevin Reece, Kim Pallister (, Kinzie Kramer, Kitt Hodsden, Kyle Pinches, Larry J Rice, Lars, Lijah Robinson, Lima Llama, Living Worlds Games, LLC., Luiz Fernando Caldas, Lukas, Lukas Mathis, Marc J. Waters, Mario Valente, Mark DiBlasi, Mark Gerrits, Mark Klamik, Markus Fromherz, Martin Boisselle, aka richardtempura, Martin de Urgoiti, Martin Grider, Mathew Schelsky, Matt Baughman, Matt Fullenwider, Matt Jones, Matt Patton, Matthew "Squirrel" Cua, Matthew Duhan, Gozer Games, Matthew Klein, Maxim Kalenkov, Melissa Sedano, Michael Jean, Michael Medlin, Michael R. Taylor, Michael Reich, Michael Songy, Michael Stum (@mstum), Michael Theiss, Michael Wilson, Mick Thompson, Mike "Too Many Startups" Prasad, Mike Lee, Mike Mestemaker, Mike Trotzke, Mindphaser, Morten Brauner, MTip Phaovibul, Nadia, Natala Menezes, Nathan Isaac, NeilFred Picciotto, Nicholas J. Witchey (Toxidyne), Nicholas Sturm, Nick Kinsman, Nick McElveen, Nicola Tesser, O.Shane Balloun, Oliver Reinhard, olof, Pathikrit Bhowmick, Patrick Arlt, Patrick Moor, Paul Alex Gray, Paul Armstrong, Paul Haahr, Peg Powell, Peter Clark, PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment), Rachael Johnson, Rajen Savjani, Raman Ohri, Randy Green, Randy Warner, Rasmus, Tech Support ;), Ravi & Kaela Chandrasekaran, Rebecca McKeown, Reed Zesiger, Renee L. Budak, Restoration Media, Ricardo Jenez, Rich Sommer, Richard Feinberg, Robert Lee Thuston, Robert Reiz, Robert Schultz, Robin Dunlop, Roger Dickey, Rolyat E'Ding, Roman Shaposhnik, Rosalie Bartlett [@Rosalieinc], Roy Anthony Brown, Rudolf Schmitz, Ryan Joshua Hollander, Ryan Wardell, Sam & Skaja Wills, Sam Schreiber, Scott Fellmeth, Scott Fort, Scott Nicholson, Sebastian Otaegui,, Seth Freudenburg, Shane Tilton, Simon Blatz, Simon Ratner, Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab, Smiling Startup Supporter, Smoopa (, solarisphase, Spot the Kitty Capitalist, Stefan "Storm King" Kaleta, Stephen Shaw, Stephen Wilcox, Steve Lacey, Steven "Mavin" Wong - Entrepreneur's Entrepreneur, Steven Sartain, Sue Sweet, Supporter, swaps, Taylor Gerring, Terry Cross, Angel Investor, Thierry Wasserman, Thomas Hessler, Co-Founder of Globumbus, Tieg Zaharia, Tim Hillison, Tim Tucker, Timo Stepper, Tony Koinov, Tony McCall, Torgeir Nes, Travis J. Winn, True To Life Games, Tyler Green, Tyson Young, Vadim & Tania Katz, Van H. Fujishige, Vasily Koroslev, Vast Company, Vijay Karunamurthy, Vivian C Chien, Walter Lee, Wayne Coburn, Weiming Chen, William A.M.G. Potash, William Bunce, william hartman k, Winston Yu,, Yael Goshen, Zach Kessler, Zoe, Mariseth and Charles Ferring.

The background of the Beta Edition is from, licensed under Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. The map in its full glory can be found at